It's funny how quickly things change. Especially so when it comes to technology and the internet. In some ways security reflects this world of constant change. In fact, within certain aspects of security these types of changes can happen daily. Exploits, vulnerabilities and patches happen can happen on extremely condensed time frames.
We trust certain sets of programs and services. Hackers constantly attack those services so the realms of secure and non-secure intersect and switch constantly. As Alex Stamos discussed in his key note at Black Hat this year, this is the sexy part of security and it really is sexy. It's a game of chess, where security researchers and hackers test their skills. The days of easy exploits is mostly past us and the exploits that arise these days are staggering in their ingenuity. Understanding how these are made is fascinating and well worth exploring.
I am not going to be discussing the sexy world of 0day. Today I would like to talk about something unsexy but something which needs to be addressed, and that is networking. The assertion I'm going to make is that most networking models we use are simply hopelessly out of date, how we use the internet has changed but network models hasn't.
Let's look at conventional wisdom when it comes to networking design. If we look at the diagram above, we can see the castle like design of networks. Each circle represents a layer within the network which has been segmented from the other levels.
This model is based on physical security, where you have a DMZ followed by areas of increasing security until some where in the middle there is the keep which represents the most secure layer. This type of design makes sense as it gives you a fall back plan where in order to get into the most secure area you must of first infiltrate all the other areas.
The problem is that networks really don't work like that anymore, or realistically ever did. Typical companies have 3 layers, a DMZ, a middle layer where all the users and internal servers are kept and finally PCI segment. But these segments aren't so much staunch walls built for a robust defense, they tend to have gaping holes in them, things like VPNs and special firewall rules to allow traffic from different machines, satellite Offices which need access, public VPNs to allow for users to access the internal servers while working away from the office. Restricted segments tend not to have their own VPNs and normally have firewall rules which allow for select machines within the internal network access them. And within the last few years SaaS services and cloud deployments keep increasingly mission critical infrastructure and services.
Networks aren't stable, they grow and evolve, firewall rules get added, don't always get removed and typically are run by ops rather than the security teams so there is nebulous arrangement of duties and keeping these perimeters secure. Coupled with infrastructure which has been in place for many years means that significant configuration drift could of taken place. This is compounded if companies have multiple mergers etc.
The nature of attacks has changed, the old days of attacking directly the DMZ to try and gain access to the networks is very rare. Hackers start by attacking the users themselves with spear phishing attacks and the similar. Using the law of numbers to find an entrance, once they have a machine which has been compromised within the internal network, they leverage the trust of that network to scan for other machines within it they can attack and spread to. As they sink deeper into the internal networks they find more machines which have access to other segments of the network until eventually all areas have been breached.
These types of hacks are common and represent the short comings of this type of network architecture. Once a hacker has pierced one of these segments he has gained that level of trust and access to all the machines within that segment. So how do we combat this? Also how can we combat this in a manner which doesn't mean a massive overhaul of networking infrastructure.
The answer appears to be simple but brings up many interesting connotations, trust no one. Stop caring about where a machine is within the network, assume every packet of communication is malicious until proven otherwise.
Sounds interesting doesn't it? While this has been discussed before, it's really Googles excellent BeyondCorp which has started to bring it into the main stream, where companies are starting to be built around it. With the continued adoptance of the cloud and SaaS, zero-trust networking is becoming more and more compelling.
So how does this work? There is no completely standard way of implementing a Zero Trust network, but we can go over one of the ideas of how to implement such a network in theory loosely based on the BeyondCorp paper.
The basic premise is built on 2 key assertions:
- Verification of the User or Process attempting to connect
- Verification the Machine the User or Process is using for the attempt.
- Each service machine generates a certificate which is signed by a trust server.
- Each service generates a certificate which is signed by the trust server.
- Each client machine generates a certificate which is signed by a trust server.
- When a user enters the network he generates a certificate which is signed by a trust server.
- When a connection is attempted to a service, the agent on the machine presents both the public key for the user and the machine to the trust server.
- The trust server verifies that the user is allowed access to the service and the keys have been verified, a short term certificate is created and signed (typically for 10-30 mins). The public key is encrypted with the machines public key and the users public key and sent back to the agent.
- The machine then makes an attempt to the service using the short term certificate. The service then reaches out to the trust server with the certificate, if the certificate is valid the trust server sends the key encrypted by the private keys of the service and the machine it's running on.
- Then the connection is established.
Let's look at what this approach gives us within certain scenarios.
- Users credentials are compromised. If the users credentials are compromised it would not be enough to give access to any service. You need both certificate of a machine and the user to be able to access anything. When the compromise is discovered, simply revoking the users certificate is enough to stop all network access to all services within the network.
- Machine has been compromised. Access to the machines certificate would not be good enough, you also need to have a compromised user certificate as well.When the compromise is discovered, simply revoking the machines certificate is also enough to isolate it from all services.
- The certificate for the connection is compromised. This connection certificates are short term and can only be used once, this means you need to compromise it and use it within a very shortened time frame. It reduces the risk significantly.
- Service has been compromised. There is a flaw with the service software and some how they have both the client certificate and the machine certificate, this would allow them access to the machine, but within the service machines certificate they can not continue to spread within the network.
- With this paradigm, the network connection is now not tied to the networking layer but to the security layer, meaning you can restrict the machines and users who have access to a particular service. If a user isn't allowed a service simply refuse to generate the certificate.
Zero-Trust Networking gives a great deal of flexibility and a much needed rethink to how we manage security at the networking layer. While firewalls will always have their place, they're still static entities with hard to maintain sets of rules, the need for them to be physical boxes comes from a time when managing that amount of data needed dedicated hardware.
But machines are now more than capable of handling the networking traffic they're going to be generating and with this approach we're effectively making each dynamic firewalls around all endpoints and services. All the while bringing the networking connections more inline with the security models based off a user and their roles.
Networking is on the edge of change with software defined networking and Zero-Trust, it's going to be an interesting time, maybe networking isn't so unsexy after all.
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